Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact: websheriff@orangecountync.gov
Commend or Complain
Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278
Tel: (919) 245-2900
As an agency, we strive for the highest standard of customer service and professionalism. Our staff takes pride in a job well done and such recognition improves morale and individual performance.
If you would like to share a description of an exceptional experience that you were the recipient of or observed, we would enjoy hearing about it. You may write to the address, email us, give us a call or use the form below to submit your comments. No matter which you choose, please accept our thanks for sharing your story with us.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to ensuring each employee performs his or her duties with professional competence, fairness, and within the bounds of the law. This integrity is based upon open communication between residents and our office staff.
All complaints will be accepted, and at no time will any of our employees discourage, intimidate, or otherwise coerce anyone who desires to file a complaint from doing so.
Complaints may be made in person at the above address, via email, over the telephone to Captain David Berry, at 919-245-2949 or using the form below to submit your complaint.