Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact: websheriff@orangecountync.gov
Community Outreach
Our agency wants to connect with the people we serve and build relationships. We want the community to view us as a force for good and a resource for problem-solving. By our actions, attitudes, and behaviors, we hope to earn trust and respect. We are so much more than law enforcers; we are people who care about others and set out every day to provide service, safety, and security. Our Community Outreach efforts are demonstrations of our commitment to these ideals. They include:
Attending fairs, celebrations, parades, and community events. To request a deputy attend your function, select the link to submit your request.
Assisting other agencies with their programs, for example, helping the Department on Aging deliver meals to senior citizens.
Hosting groups who wish to tour our office and learn about our services. Select the link to submit your request.
Partnering with groups such as SafeKids NC to minimize preventable childhood deaths.
Leveraging technology such as our DWI simulator to educate the community about the hazards of impaired driving.
Collecting unwanted or unused medications both in the office and at special community collection days.
Maintaining a Safe Transaction Zone for people to use when buying or selling goods through social media platforms.
Consulting with neighborhoods interested in establishing or maintaining a Community Watch program to address any crime prevention or safety concerns in their area. If you would like to establish a program in your neighborhood or have us attend one of your meetings please contact us at: 919.245.2900. Additionally, if you would like to receive our "Community Watch Daily Information" email, select the link to submit your request.