Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact:
Crisis Unit
The Orange County Sheriff's Office Crisis Intervention Unit was established in 1993 to aid and assist victims of crime in Orange County. We work together with the criminal justice system and other community agencies to provide coordinated services for victims of crime.
Crisis Intervention
Criminal and Civil Court Advocacy
Child Abuse Referrals
Criminal Warrant Guidance
Domestic Violence Protective Orders Guidance
Crime Victim's Compensation Assistance
Non-profit Legal Service Referrals
Referrals to Shelters, Therapists, etc.
Juvenile Services Referrals
On-scene Support and Crisis Intervention
Information and Referrals
Criminal Justice Advocacy
Personal Advocacy
North Carolina Statute 50B is very specific about who is eligible for a protective order. It is important to understand that this is a civil court action you must pursue on your own. Although civil, it is a Judge’s order and violation of it may result in criminal charges and possibly a jail sentence. The process for filing a protective order is complicated and advocacy groups are available to help you understand the process, i.e.; The Sheriff's Crisis Unit (see above).
When people are aware or believe it is occurring, they should report it as they would any other crime, by contacting one of the following:
The Sheriff's Crisis Unit
Orange County Department of Social Services
A school's counselors, if the child is of school age
A magistrate
or dial 911
Harass you
Trespass on your property
Threaten to hurt you or Assault you
You may apply to a magistrate for the issuance of a criminal process requiring that person to come to court for a trial or hearing. You must appear as a witness. If you believe that you are the victim of a crime you may also call law enforcement and ask them to take a report. In Orange County you should dial 911 for dispatch of a law enforcement officer.
You have the right to receive information about support services. You have the right to contact judicial officials about the defendant’s bond and court case. When a defendant is arrested, he or she will be brought before a magistrate or a judge and at that time, a bond and a court date will be set. You may speak to the judicial officials about bond and release conditions.
You may contact the prosecuting attorney (the District Attorney) to discuss your case by calling: (919) 644-4600