Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact: websheriff@orangecountync.gov
Adverse Weather Information
Below are links to important weather information
Make a Kit
During and after a hurricane, emergency professionals must first deal with the needs of the county on a wide-scale (clearing roads, opening shelters, and assessing damage). Additionally, in dire circumstances (think back to Katrina or to the widespread flooding after Florence), those same professionals need to call for and make plans to receive federal resources. This takes time. Therefore, every person and family should be able to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours without power. A kit containing a 72-hour supply of essentials can make a huge difference. At minimum, a kit should have a three day supply of non-perishable food and one gallon of water per person per day for three days. For a family of 4, this is 12 gallons. A kit should also have batteries, a flashlight, a can opener, a radio, and first aid supplies. Learn more about preparing kits at this link:
Don’t forget about special situations within your home or family. For example, are any prescriptions running low? Does someone need oxygen? Also consider having emergency supplies in your car and at your workplace.
Make a Plan
Think about, discuss with loved ones, and make decisions about the following concerns:
What is our shelter plan? If we have to leave, where will we go?
If we need to leave, what is our evacuation route?
If we stay, where is the safest area in our home?
How will we communicate if we are separated?
How will we care for our pets?
Where should we park our cars?
What can we do in advance to secure our property? For instance, how should we store our outdoor furniture? What hanging objects (wind chimes, birdfeeders, plants, etc.) need to come down?
Check out this link for helpful information:
Stay Informed
How do you and your loved ones receive emergency alerts and warnings?
Our local system is called OC Alerts. You can sign up multiple devices and you can customize where, when, and how you want to receive alerts. Sign up here: www.ReadyOrange.org
Also consider communication and information needs in situations where you might not have power for several days.
How do we get everyone the maximum charge on their devices before we lose power?
How will we preserve some of that charge for emergencies if power outage continues for several days?
Do we have power bank chargers if we can’t charge from the wall?
Do we have a weather radio or a regular radio that runs on battery power?
The link below will give you information about hurricane safety, including steps to take as the storm moves from a potential threat, to a probable threat, to an imminent threat, and to an active situation. Please be prepared!
Think of Others
What about the elderly in your family or neighborhood? Do they need help making a plan or assembling a kit?
Are you able to buy some extra supplies to donate to a local relief agency or to drop off at a less fortunate neighbor’s house?
Some neighborhoods maintain lists of who owns a chainsaw, who has a generator, who has a four-wheel drive vehicle, etc.
Think ahead about what you might need, and what you might offer.
This link might help: