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Other Community Services

The Community Services Division also engages Orange County residents through more formal, ongoing programs. Examples include:


  • Citizens Academy – this free, eight week program gives participants a real time view of their sheriff’s office, exploring our different divisions such as patrol, courthouse security, civil process, and investigations. Enrollees also learn about our critical partnerships with 9-1-1 communications, Emergency Management, and Emergency Medical Services.

  • Josh’s Hope and Life Track – These related programs use a database to store critical information about members of our community who have cognitive issues or mental health concerns.  A deputy dispatched to a call involving such a person can access the information in advance and approach the person in a manner most likely to be successful. For example, if a person with autism is agitated by loud noises or flashing lights, the deputy might wear an earpiece or approach without the lights on to minimize stress. If the person is also at risk of becoming lost or wandering away from caregivers, he or she might also be enrolled on our Life Track rapid response program.  Enrolled clients wear a bracelet or anklet containing a battery operated transmitter. If a client becomes lost, we respond with a mobile receiver to help locate them quickly. On average, the missing person is located within thirty minutes. If you would like to inquire about these programs, select the link to submit your request.


  • Senior Meals – on the last Monday of every month, the Sheriff’s Office prepares 100 hot dog lunches and delvers them to the Orange County Rural Alliance for delivery to seniors in our community.


  • SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) - this program is a partnership with Project Engage at the Department on Aging. When Project Engage receives a referral, our Community Services Division does a needs and safety assessment of the person and his or her residence as one part of the intake process.  If the person qualifies for the program, a Project Engage volunteer will regularly visit the senior and provide quarterly updates to the Department on Aging.  These visits lessen social isolation and monitor the person’s changing needs. This program makes between 100 and 125 contacts with Orange County seniors each month.

  • SOCO (Sheriff’s Office Citizen Organization) – this group of volunteers works with division members on a series of fundraisers such as the annual Chicken Pickin’, a BBQ sandwich sale at the Efland car show, and a roasted corn sale at Hillsborough Hog Day. Money raised helps purchase Life Track equipment and funds the Lindy Pendergrass Scholarship for graduating high school seniors.

  • Shop with a Sheriff – during this annual event, deputy sheriffs are paired with students in our community. The children arrive at a retail location on a bus escorted by patrol vehicles and motorcycles. They then select holiday gifts for themselves and their families and eat lunch before returning to school.

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